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Tuesday, August 05, 2003


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Note: Beta 3a was released shortly after beta 3 in order to correct a problem with beta 3's GZip support.

Just grabbed Beta3a - first glimpse of FeedDemon I've had actually, and wow, I'm liking it! I haven't been able to commit to a newsreader yet, but if I do, this may just be the one. Any plans to offer embedded browser choice down the road?

I'd like to offer a choice between IE and Mozilla inside FeedDemon, but past experience with TopStyle has unfortunately shown that Mozilla is too much of a support burden. There have been countless times when a new Mozilla build breaks TopStyle's Mozilla support, causing a flood of email asking me how to fix the problem.

For TopStyle, I can accept the support costs since it's extremely important for web authors to check their work in multiple browsers. But for FeedDemon, quite frankly it just doesn't make sense for me to add support for Mozilla knowing that it's going to cause me problems down the road.

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