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Monday, February 23, 2004


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Hi Nick,

I like the way you do channel groups, but I really would like to see an option to create indiviudal folders within groups. I personally like to see all of my feeds within one group (as opposed to have to keep switching between groups) but it would be nice to file certain feeds away in a folder. You could even set settings on the folder that would propogate to all feeds within that folder. For example, some feeds I only want to check once a week, and it would be nice to set that way at the folder level.

So here is a vote to add folder options within channel groups. That allows individual users the ability to work the way they want to with more flexibility.

Thanks for the great software!
-John Roling

You're absolutely correct that your channels drop-down is much. much better than a tree view like NetNewsWire. I'm a Mac guy but find FD much more pleasant to use than NNW for this very specific reason alone.

I believe that the most powerful aspect of FeedDemon is its simplicity and ease of use. Hopefully these features will not be overlooked as more and more functionalities are added, potentially leading to an overly-complicated do-it-all RSS Reader. I like it because it saves me time, so please do your best to keep it from getting too top-heavy. Thanks alot for listening.


I would like to be able to delete, mark and target in the news section for the channel. I know this is esentially the same as thelistview, but if I read the news I still have to go back and prune the listview.

I think that instead of a tree view for channels, have a tree view for groups. It can be a separate pane above the contents of the current group, and show the unread count for each group.

I believe something like this was suggested during the FD beta, and makes sense to me since that's how Explorer, Outlook and most other Mail readers work. It might further the false impression that RSS is like e-mail, but I think the benefit to ease of use would far outweigh that.

Then again, I'm still new to RSS and still stuck in RSS-like-email mode so I'm biased :)

(read this as if feed==channel, feed!=channel group)

I agree with keeping the channel groups sane. However, feeds in channel groups are only checked when that channel group is selected, am I right? It would be good to have the option to check all channels from all channel groups. Also, in that case, there would need to be some way to tell if a channel group has channels with unread items in it... some kind of home page with Favorite Channels shown individually, and other channel groups marked with (45 unread items from 5 feeds) or something...?

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