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Friday, May 28, 2004


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Nick, I do understand the sentiment. Using TopStyle provided me with the necessary "eureka!" experience to make the leap from bewilderment to successful CSS user. For my needs, TopStyle is not just the best editor out there, it is the learning tool that made the difference.

Topstyle is well the best anyone could find for CSS editing next to the big king of webdesign himself, Dreamweaver.

Dreamweaver has to mature in its CSS handling, before i'll use it and dump Topstyle, given Dreamweaver reacts primarily to major steps and W3C releases, Im sure it will be atleast a couple of years.
Generally if you don't use Topstyle, your either the creator of CSS or someone who has no idea what CSS is.

I agree it is a learning tool, I have found it VERY useful myself, and use it constantly - although doing the XHTML side in Dreamweaver ;)

But all in all, being that TopStyle was created primarily for CSS editing, i reckon it being the #1 program for CSS editing equal to Dreamweaver being #1 for webdesign, you have to give it to the man :D

Let me just add that TopStyle has to be one of the most useful tools I have ever used for design issues related to the mysterious (yet because of this fine tool: wondrous) world of CSS.

Hey Nick,

thats simply the truth. I work with DW + Topstyle and with an HTML Editor + Topstyle. Both are able to handle CSS, but not really.

This tool is the one for me. I use it since years. Working without TS costs time, power and the fun on working with css.

Greetings from Austria


I didn't understand the title. What does the "dead fingers" means?

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