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Friday, July 30, 2004


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Wow, That's pretty interesting history!

And I would love to see all the Dexter cartoons on your site as there is no censorship here! :)



Never thought that HomeSite was written to publish your comics. Thanks for the story!

That is easily one of the most interesting "how I became a computer programmer" stories I've ever heard.
Usually they include references to 80's hardware, not risque comic strips ;-)

Good to see a koala bear in action...

I am quite fond of this particular cartoon. One of my standard replies at work when asked why I did not proact to a particular situation refers to the dearth of telephone calls from psychic hotline recruiters.

This brings to mind fond memories of a story I heard on CBC radio one morning as I was driving up Vancouver Island.

"Taken completely by surprise, numerous employees arriving for work this morning were shocked to discover the doors to their workplace padlocked, with a sign in the window announcing that their employer, JoJo's Psychic Alliance Hotline, had gone bankrupt."

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