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Friday, August 27, 2004


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I agree that rating the posts is not valuable to me, however, folks can already rate the feeds with News Bins. Create a newsbin for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 star items and move the posts in there. It may not be quite the solution he's after, but I don't think people care about 1-2 star items and 3 star items you could search for. 4 and 5 star items are quick and wasy to throw into a 'save' News Bin.

Thanks for such a great product!

I'd like a tool where I can program the filtering myself. It needs a library of functions to do grunt work like Bayesian filtering. I can then do interesting things, like rating (when I really want to or need to), putting a channel on probation when I get annoyed with it, blacklisting...

Some way to splice in my own mechanism would be great.

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