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Monday, October 25, 2004


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Damn indeed. Just tried, too, though you would probably contribute more to the discussion than me. Perhaps you can ask Scoble directly and/or donate?

It's a question of how much the room can hold I believe. There is a waiting list, and you could get on the list if you are interested.

I am attending. If you come out and need a ride or a place to stay, let me know.

Scoble just posted asking you to mail him as he one to hand out

Thanks, Sriram - I'll email Robert right away!

Scoble has a post on whether you sleep or not - truth is - I've been hitting refresh on his page too often :-)

I won't be there, but in the area. You'll yell if you're up for a drink somewhere, right? :)

Thanks for the invitation, Jonas - I'll send you an email about this.

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