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Tuesday, January 25, 2005


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I'm glad that you helped sponsor that event, like so many. I appreciate your generosity even if I didn't get to buy more copies of TopStyle during the Tsunami relief drive.

At 13 months I had spinal meningitis and have always been concerned that others not have to go through that. Instead of a husband, dad and developer I could have been dead or handicapped. Even if it was country, you Rock.

You do a lot of good Nick and I for one are damn proud to say I own FeedDemon as I know that the money not only feeds your family but also helps so many people from victims of the Boxing Day Tsunami to children who suffer from a horrible illness.

If you are ever in London let me know you deserve a drink!

I second Morgan's suggestion - if you're ever in London a happy FeedDemon owner would love to buy you a beer or two.

Nick, I can't find a contact email or form, so I'm posting it here. Feel free to delete it later:

There's a bug in firefox/your site that causes selection issues.

Fortunatelly, the bug is caused by a workaround for another bug in IE, so you can just change this on your stylesheet:

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p { position: relative;}

To use any of the many ie-only hacks, such as conditional comments or the * html selector.

Thanks for the tip, Caio. Ironic that the blog of the creator of TopStyle suffers from a CSS bug :)

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