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Monday, March 28, 2005


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Hi Nick,

Interesting thoughts... re this comment you made: "...the fact that the results vary so widely based on which feeds are examined speaks volumes about the accuracy of these surveys."

I don't think it reflects badly on the accuracy, per se. Although I do agree that measuring RSS Aggregator market share is very tough right now and there are loads of caveats. I've always believed that desktop aggs are disadvantaged when it comes to these stats, for example.

However what Kevin's stats told me very clearly is that non-geeks are using MyYahoo for RSS. I've seen first-hand how a lot of non-geeks use MyYahoo (seeing surfing habits of people I know, work with, etc), but up till now I'd never had any statistical 'proof' that they were beginning to use MyYahoo to access RSS feeds. And that it was so far ahead of the rest (esp Bloglines, which in the geek world is so dominant).

ps I must admit I don't know a lot about FeedDemon, but I'm pleased for you that it showed up well in Kevin's stats.

A default version is a great idea, Nick! ;) Seriously, it's a great testament to your software that it is well received by the tech crowd AND the non-tech crowd. It's a newsreader that my Mom could use and getting to that point while satisfying early-adopter set is a great accomplishment.

Make Money!

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