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Wednesday, May 25, 2005


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I know exactly how you feel. I haven't had a good nights sleep in a while just because I cant shut up my brain. Glad to know its not just me!

Ah -- I want that surfer mode. Looks great.

Yep. I'm just jealous that you get to blast music when you need to at 1am. Although, the enforced silence sometimes helps me.

Wow the screenshots look awesome, especially that new surfer view. Can't wait!

1am getup??? i dont normally goto sleep before 2am, then rise at 7

horses for courses or whatever that saying is :|

I'm also a 6-hour sleeper during the week but life to make up for it on the weekend.

Nick, hopefully after you get these new versions out and settle in at NewsGator we might be lucky enough to get a Mac version of TopStyle. ;)

The new screenies look great, especially the nested folders. I can't wait for the next release!

[drool] Is that an "Import from newsgator" section I see on the cool new screenies? The whole idea of having a central server to store all my feeds, and using FeedDemon on seperate PCs (and it KNOWING which ones I've read) is far too cool for words. So, Nick, you're not getting any sympathy from me - keep codin'! ;o

Will, yes - that is an "import from NewsGator" feature, and it also supports importing from Bloglines or an external OPML.

I'm curious what's going on with Topstyle. It'd be great to hear your future plans for it, as that seems to be the biggest concern "post-merge".


Fantastic Nick, can't wait to see the Beta [puts hands up as a willing tester!]. FeedDemon is easily my most-used App, behind Firefox...and it's great to know it's just a "one man band." Well - it *used* to be a one man band, but I'm quite sure the same principles will apply even now you've made it big :) Keep up the great work

You're a System of a Down fan? I'd have to agree that loud, fast-paced music does encourage my fingers to fly through the code. Sometimes, I think it's the music that got me through some of those late nights in college.

If you're enjoying Mezmerize, I highly recommend checking out Mudvayne's newest, Lost & Found.

Surfer looks awesome.

Could you add an option that flags/unflags it also?

I put in a feature request for this when you were working on Expando 2 but it wasn't possible at the time. With the new features would it now be possible?

Please say yes!!

Good to see your coding pattern is similair as mine, there days i suffer from "blank form" syndrome, and there days that i can't stop and will code 24/7.

My preferred coding music is Soulfly, the old Sepultura etc. still makes for good coding music.

Might make for a interesting topic/poll, what music do you code best by ;)


I've found more physical tiredness will make rest easier. So see if you can leave the keyboard and burn up some energy that way? The brain can't switch off because the body just sits there and types.

Nice work, Nick. It looks pretty good, and I like the River of News look. Finally, I love the look of the import.

I cannot wait to get my grubby little paws on it. Need an alpha and beta test? ;-)

I know exactly what you are talking about. I also have this "little geeks" in me. I just can't find a way to properly introduce them to my family. :)

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