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Friday, July 08, 2005


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Awesome, Nick. Way to keep making your clients "Raving Fans".

Way to go- your the Man.
*Nothing* beats software built by someone who listens to his customers!!!


This sounds better, indeed...thank you and Newsgator for hearing and, in the end, serving your customers.

That is awesome! I'm currently in the eval period with FeedDemon, having just discovered it, and this news brings me much joy. I'm buying it right now.


Thank You AND NewsGator for listening. I appreciate how you've always shot straight with us, and this strengthens the respect I already have for you and your work.

Thanks again,

Perfect! I was so PO when I read the first post I didn't respond but this makes up for it!

I was disappointed with the initial change and voiced my opinion. I am glad to know that feedback matters. This change shows the high quality of support and the willingness to listen to the software client base that Brad (and now NewsGator) has show all along.

I have had nothing but good things to say about the support I have received from Brad regarding FeedDemon and have seen other people say the same thing over and over. This is just another example of great support.

Do you think you could give Microsoft a few tips?

Most companies say "we listen to our customers," but do whatever they want anyway. I am happy and amazed there are companies out there that actually do listen.

This is a perfect example of how better communication and "transparency" can turn a potential angry mob into a group of satisfied customers.

I was beginning to have reservations about this merger but was more than willing to use my 2 years to see how it went. I feel much better about this whole situation now. Thanks Nick and NewsGator for listening and finding a solution everyone can be happy with.

I knew it Nick! You're one of the guys whom you only meet once in your life (if at all ;).

Once again you've shown that open communication is one of the many strengths you've got ... congrats to you and NG for having the feet on the ground.

Now there seems to be no reason for not going along with you for the years to come!

Personally I would have been fine with the original subscription model providing that the subscription only version did not come into play until a new major version (and therefore more of my money for the new version).

I must say that I am very impressed with change though. It isn't often you see a company make such a radical change just from listening to their users. Normally money speaks louder than a handful of users.

Well done to everyone who was involved with the decision at NewsGator. What a nice start to the weekend :)

--- The following is a personal comment neither reviewed or endorsed by my employer - NewsGator. ---

...and there was much rejoicing.

Yeah! Perfect!

When I read about the subscription model it didn't bother me at first as I am fully behind the subscription model of game company Stardock. You pay a subscription to their Total Gaming.net system and you get all those games for "free" for the price or your subscription. If you let your subscription lapse you no longer get access to new game but you get to keep the ones you already had plus any further updates.

Then as I was reading this announcement it got me thinking, yea, if I had a subscription and it lapsed then FD would stop working. That, IMHO is bad and seems to have been listened to. Good show.

I didn't post a reply to the first request for comments but I appreciate this decision. Thanks Newsgator and Nick!

Brilliant. Very nice move, Nick & Newsgator.

I wondered why the question wasn't asked before the subscription announcement (Nick's asked in the past how FD users would feel about RSS ads and other issues, right?), but this worked out just as well. In fact, ironically, lots of Tom-Peters-type research suggests that people have a higher satisfaction after something is FIXED than when it's done right in the first place. So Nick's a good guy *and* a clever marketing strategist? :-) Neat trick.

"Does this sound better to you?"

Much much better. Thank you for listening to your customers. It means a lot.


Awesome job. I'm very willing to go forward with a subscription model for the synching capabilities, and if I don't feel I need them, it's great to know I can still use one of the best pieces of software on the market.

On another note, what you've done for your customers is asonishing. You're really making NewsGator a comany that I can fully trust -- and that list is getting fewer by the day. A couple others like that are Google and Thoughts Media, Inc.

Way to go! :-D

I thought that was what you were doing ...

I must have mis-read :-) Nevertheless, I think that is the best approach.

Nick & NewsGator,

Thank you for restoring the faith in the lost concept that customers do matter....even after the sale. Believe your decision will be mutually beneficial for all concerned in the long run.

Looking forward to following and supporting the future endeavors of this newly formed partnership between FeedDemon and NewsGator.

Best regards!

This is why I love you Nick :D

What amazes me is that this sounds like anyone who has purchased FD and doesn't want the subscription gets free upgrades for 2 years. That's more than anyone could hope for!

Hey Nick

Well done - you've probably just saved FeedDemon from a long and slow demise. Do you know if this decision will apply to NewsGator Outlook version as well?

Absolutely! You saved me as a customer.

I think you've made a good decision. I actually rather like this subscription based model that you're planning. It's definitely worked for a few other companies that I know of. Stardock for instance. You pay a yearly fee and you get any software and updates that they put in a particular category (ObjectDesktop) for free during your subscription. If you let your subscription run out you can still use the software that you have but you just can't get any new versions until you upgrade.

I am a subscriber to Stardock too, and I really enjoy their model: subscription brings you patches, updates, and new versions. Once the subscription stops, you remain with the last program version you had downloaded.

I'm happy you a reresorting to something like this :-)

Nick, thanks so much!

I was still thinking about the subscription thing when I read this... I love it that I can stop thinking... 8-)

Thanks, Nick!

I must say, I have to agree with Brett:

"*Nothing* beats software built by someone who listens to his customers!!!"

Way to go Nick and Newsgator. Thank you so much for listening. I think you've made all customers happy - those for and against the subscription-ware.

Thank you also for respecting us enough to share your thoughts with us on this BEFORE decisions were made and steps taken toward implementation. Do that too much, let us think for ourselves and contribute positively toward change, and you'll have a cult following (bigger than the one you've already got!) haha Good job.

Perfect! This'll make a whole lot of people happy ;) Including me.

It's this kind of responsiveness that is exactly why I bought FeedDemon in the first place. Thanks Nick!

I'm glad about this change, which brings the model closer to the familiar support/update contracts that we know from business software: as long as pay, you'll get the hottest and freshest, when you stop, you at least keep the software.

After 1.5 years of FeedDemon, I'm ready for the next 2!

All smiles here! Thank you NewsGator.

Ditto on the other comments, the subscription model you were going to convert to really caused me to second guess my purchase of feed demon. This is a MUCH better alternative. I bought a peice of software that I could use as long as I wanted, to take that away was a horrible Idea. I still plan on buying feeddemon upgrades but the online subscription service isn't for me. I'll just snag one occasionally to get the latest FD.

Thank you for listening. I'm smiling. :)

Wow - what can one say? Someone who listens to the Customer! This must be a first in business history. Thanks for supporting the little guy.


Thanks Nick and Newsgator!

It's been said a few times already, but it really is nice to know that you're listening to your customer's wishes.

And for Nick, it must give you a good feeling to know that your new employer values you and your customers enough to change their minds about such a big business decision based on our feedback.

Thanks again.

Ken, yes it does :)

Now this is why we keep buying your software, Nick.

I think you've hit the issue fairly between the eyes ... and made a lot of long-term customers for Newsgator in the process. If anyone is unhappy with this deal, they've got rocks in their heads! I'll be much more inclined to buy into a long-term subscription NOW THAT I DON'T HAVE TO. :)

I also didn't really have a problem with the subscription model, hence didn't comment on the previous entry. When Newsgator Online picked up this post my mouth dropped, I'm very impressed!

This is great news. I was about to post in your other blog entry that this is what you should do.

I think the subscription idea for extra features is great, and I will probably continue to subscribe after my first "free" years are up. I support paying for this *service* becuase that is what it is. NewGator must run servers and pay for bandwidth to support my desire to keep my feed sync'd between different computers. I wouldn't expect the company to provide this for free, and if it did the price of FeedDemon would probably have to increase substantially, which I wouldn't like.

FeedDemon itself though is a product like Word. At this point it is a stand alone RSS reader, that doesn't require any NewGator servers, only RSS feeds. I definitely would not want this to change. If I decide that I don't like/need the new features in FeedDemon 2.0 I should be able to stick w/ 1.5 forever, and not worry about having to resubscribe. I bought the software. Just like I can still be using Word 95 today, if that fits my needs. I'm not a person that stays with the old versions, but there is a comfort level in this way of purchasing and using software.

So bottom line, I love the multiple computer sync idea, and will be a subscriber, but that subscription should have no effect on how I use FeedDemon today.

This is stunning. Software creators who actually listen to their customers!

This decision will make you a lot of long term fans.

It's hard to cater to a varied client base but you seem to be on that ball.

Very well done.

Sounds great !!!!!!

Just to be clear, is it: (a) If we buy a subscription, FeedDemon is included, or (b) we can buy FeedDemon directly from Newsgator, separate from a subscription?

I prefer (b), but either way, I'm GRATEFUL you guys listened and reconsidered. Thank you! This is a very rare day in software history, folks.

Now I remember why I thought so highly of your software in the past. A developer that actually listens!

Thanks once again, Nick.

Outstanding, absolutely outstanding. I wish all the best to you and NewsGator, you really are the Good Guys.

Woohoo! Rock star move on your and NewsGator's part.

See, that's why we all trust you so much Nick. You really listen and take user opinions seriously.

Others either don't listen at all, or they listen, but don't ever change their course. You do both.


btw, this is definitely a good sign about what kind of company Newsgator is too, so thanks also to them.

Thanks Nick!

I was actually thinking about just skipping the upgrades and staying with FD 1.5 so that I could -- I hoped -- continue to use FD independent of the subscription business model. Now I'll upgrade.

This post is a LIE.

Care to explain that cryptic comment, "Lieman?"

Nick, I was wondering the same thing until I read Newsguter's (aka LIEMAN?)messages over on the NG support forums. With the firmly-held preconceived notion that subscription-based software is bad, Newsguter set out to prove that FD used the subscription model, completing ignoring the fact that (a) he was testing his theory with beta software, (b) you hadn't had time to write the subscription code out of the beta software, and (c) paranoid individuals find exactly what they're looking for 100% of the time regardless of the variables.

Of course, I could be wrong. He could simply be shilling for LEMON-LIEMAN.com (sorry, bad West Wing joke).

Thank you for listening to your users and for changing the subscription model. Personally, I'd like to see an option to completely turn off anything newsgator. I don't use it, and have no intention of doing so.

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