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Sunday, August 28, 2005


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Didn't know that William Shatner made a song. I'd like to it but can't listen to any of both songs you posted since they are only available on the US iTunes store and not on my french one... :(

Oh, the new Shatner album "Has Been" is actaully pretty good. A lot of people write it off before listening to it because "Well, its Shatner isn't it!"

However, it was produced by Ben Folds and actually contains a few remarkable tracks. The Common People cover is good, Real is also fab. Give it a listen!

Oh, the new Shatner album "Has Been" is actaully pretty good. A lot of people write it off before listening to it because "Well, its Shatner isn't it!"

However, it was produced by Ben Folds and actually contains a few remarkable tracks. The Common People cover is good, Real is also fab. Give it a listen!

Man, I love that album!

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