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Wednesday, September 28, 2005


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Ummmm....did you sufficiently explain to the doc what a GREENDAY concert was?!?! Be careful man... I hope you have your balance back, especially if standing up all night!!

Hi Nick, glad that you're progressing faster than anticipated. That's excellent news!

Glad you are getting better...rock out at the concert! :o)

Green Day?!? To quote Napolean Dynamite, "Lucky!"...

Have fun...

Great. There's a lot of us thinking about you.

Green Day rocks! Enjoy :)

Thank you Nick for such a cool software :) Hope you'll completely regain one's health!

Have a nice time spending at this concert!

/me winamp: 11805. Green Day - American Idiot



Glad to hear you're doing well, Nick. Just be sure you don't overdo things, either back at work or at the Greenday concert! ;-)

Good news on your recovery Nick!! Keep up the good (but slowly) work.

Excellent report, Nick!! :)

Thanks for the update!


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