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Thursday, October 06, 2005


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hey! which is the real nick bradbury the fat guy or the thin guy? I assume the thin guy at sx2004 cause the other guy would'nt go to a greenday concert.Well why not put a small pic of you on your blog! Turbo Pascal was the last thing borland i touched in 1990's.Cave..

hey! which is the real nick bradbury the fat guy or the thin guy? I assume the thin guy at sx2004 cause the other guy would'nt go to a greenday concert.Well why not put a small pic of you on your blog! Turbo Pascal was the last thing borland i touched in 1990's.Cave..Any way nice to know you are well mr.Take care.So whats the next product hooo you'll be comming up with,man whew!

Nick --

Hey, cool, thanks for joining in!

I hope you are feeling better. I'm just catching up on my reading in FeedDemon, and see that you've had some serious surgery. I trust all is well -- sorry about losing your left ear hearing. No fun.

But hey, there's no tumor in your head!

Take care


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