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Wednesday, January 11, 2006


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Looking forward to it - Thanks for the head's up on what's obviously going to continue being a top product. FeedDemon was so much better than anything else and soon it's going to be even better. Can't wait for the Beta.

I'm pretty sure FeedDemon 2.0 *IS* the best work you've ever done :D

Obviously you've never seen Homesite 1.0. :)

can't wait!

If I buy Feeddemon 1.5 now does that mean I will be able to upgrade to 2.0 for free?

"I'm pretty sure FeedDemon 2.0 *IS* the best work you've ever done :D (Andrew)"

Yeah, so true! When Nick looks at FeedDemon 2.0 and compares it to 1.0, he himself must be astonished how far he's/it's come!

I'm waiting for the new release and i'm thinking about come back to a client newsreader, because online services are not so full-featured like my beloved feeddemon.

What about a USB-portable version of FD2??
It will be a killer app!
Please Nick let me know about it..

Mike, yes - FeedDemon 2.0 will be a free upgrade from 1.5.

Ooo! Excited. Want Feedemon 2!

Waiting for FeedDemon 2.0 is like looking at the wide selection of products behind the glass windows of a chocolaterie after business hours and knowing that the one I want in the first row contains marzipan...

Ted -wants- to like FeedDemon 2.0

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