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Thursday, February 09, 2006


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Right under our noses!

Well hidden. Didn't think to look in the search box doh.

Nice game!

aww I've had screenshots of this ready to post for 2 weeks since you suggested it... damn my laziness :S

How ironic is it that if you would have ditched the easer egg you'd probably have enough time to get beta2 out the door ;)

Kevin, I actually wrote the Easter egg several months ago :)

This so reminds me of the 80's game "Popcorn" that I used to play on my dad's old cartridge based computer. Gotta love the classics.

Hilarious! I quite enjoyed this.

Randy, you're right - it is similar to Popcorn! I used to play that game on my TRS-80 when I was a kid.


When can we expect to see our scores sync with NewsGator Online?

Jack, I believe that's a question for the support team :)


Heh. I love easter eggs in software :) Fun little game too. I feel bad that I just missed catching Scoble though heh.

Any chance Feed Demon will ever be on the Mac? I like my Windows based Feed Demon better than NetNewsWire on my Mac.

Sorry, JH - there are no plans for FeedDemon on the Mac. I wouldn't have wanted to compete with NetNewsWire even before we were both owned by the same company :)

Heh. Easter eggs seem to be a lost art these days ;) Nice.

Looking forward to FD2.0 - especially to see if it 'retains hierarchy' when importing OPML files (trees with all its branches intact)

This would be great, as we see better OPML tools where people can manage their feeds and organise them into neat folders/branches etc.

Nick, if you drop me a line to the email given here, I'd like you to see (play with) a new 'system' I'm building over here ;)


ahah!!! I just tried the 2.0 Beta! It works!! Folders!!! Branches!! Hurray!!

Nice one Nick. But I'm also interested to know if FeedDemon will support linking to a 'live' OPML list - ie: So FD users can subscribe to a 'reading/listening/viewing list' which might change and update.

You know.. like an Attention list?


Glad to hear you like v2.0, Kosso :) FeedDemon will support reading lists in the future, but I'm afraid this won't make it into v2.0.

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