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Tuesday, April 18, 2006


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I totally agree. How can you make this stuff up? My dad tells me stories of things he did growing up and I think, "The writers of [insert comedy show title here] couldn't come up with this stuff!"

Wow! Poor quail, who would have thought that a toenail looked appetizing to the little guy :-/

Is there by any chance a way to see a MAC Version of TopStylePro ? We are all willing to pay for it, and no no,
I am not going to replace this wis CSSEdit ot Stylemaster.
(Or BBedit, which is for a completely different purpose)

I have purchased an older version in the past, and never found a replacement for the MAC.

What could be done ?

regards, marios

Nice Mario ... it's all about you isn't it? Nick shares a story with us and you hijack the comments to get your plea in.
Really nice work, Mario... :\

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