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Friday, July 07, 2006


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Is that 3.39 milliseconds?

...holy cow, it is! AQTime sounds hot.

So the question I have is this: when do we get to feel the speed? ;)

Wow. FeedDemon has always been pretty fast for me, but that's insane. Thanks Nick!

nice work :D

I think the best rule of thumb for using performance tools is only run them before each release. Get the job done, then find the bottlenecks before worrying about which routines to speed up.

At least that's the one we follow where I work ;)

oops, I forgot the second part of that rule... ALWAYS run them before a release. :)

I've been here before, with AQTime as my tool aswell.

It's gotta make you smile when you find things like this :D

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