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Thursday, August 03, 2006


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Great story, that will make a nice childhood memory. So I guess that picture, a year ago, of some 50 year old dude wasn't you afterall?

Wow!!! Glad you made it out. I don't have any kids yet, but I can almost imagine how you must have felt.

That's awesome though that even after that your son still wanted to go out again.

Holy Smokes Nick! I'm glad this story had a happy ending.

Your story made me cry. I have a 2 year little daughter and your story made me realize how much I love her.

To the commentor "Nope" - I know Nick Bradbury and he looks just like this: http://www.skanska.co.uk/skanska/templates/Page.asp?id=8254

Perhaps some lessons on sea kayaking are in order? Sounds like neither you nor your son had any lessons in how to get out of an overturned kayak. Most basic kayak classes will cover that.

Okay, the link on that last comment was a joke. I actually do have a photo of Nick posted on my Flickr account that I believe reveals a dad just whacky enough to head out into a storm on a kayak.


I must say, I am extremely happy that this story turned out well. As a dad who's been known to do similarly dumb things, this post scared me more than I can ever explain.

:O Nick the hero!

Glad you're both safe. One heck of a kid you have there.

It actually doesn't matter for me if you lived or died after you dropped HomeSite.

Glad to read that adventure ended well. I am sure you and your family will enjoy the rest of your vacation that much more.

Enjoy your vacation. :-)

Wow. Scary stuff. I bet programming seemed awfully distant for the duration of that little episode. Pleased you made it through unscathed!

Perhaps the most worrying thing about the idiotic and seriously unpleasant comment by @someone is that he [sic] is probably old enough to vote.

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