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Friday, September 01, 2006


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"large financial institution, working on the desktop piece of a client-server application that transferred millions of dollars over the wire."

And it was running on Windows 3.1?. LOL. God bless M$ security :).

Dear Nick,

I'm a Cochlear Implant user for the past year. This might seems like a strange post or note, but searching through google I found that you've got a CI, and perhpas enjoy skydiving?!

Prior to my CI I've done a tandem dive, and since have dreamed of doing an AFF course. Would you have any insights on this?

Best regards and thanks,
Oren T. Dvoskin.
Israel. [email protected]

Oren, I did have surgery last year which required removing the left hearing nerve, but I don't have a CI.

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