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Wednesday, January 03, 2007


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Sorry for posting this in your blog but I did not receive a good response from the Forum. I want to add Blinklist to my Feeddemon but I do not know what configuration file to use? Would be so kind to help me?

Hi Nick,

My comment isnt so much a support request as it is a feature idea, and who better to see it than the developer himself.

When emailing items from FeedDemon, it defaults to the Windows default mail app... I was thinking it might be nice to be able to specify in the FD options the mail app to use when emailing feed items...

Just a thought... by the way, love the software, keep up the good work

Nick, I went to check out the NewsGator Podcasts link you provided and I was very surprised to discover that the feed available on that page (http://blogs.newsgator.com/newsgatorpodcasts/) does NOT include the podcasts as enclosures.

Mario, it looks like your forum post was responded to earlier this week.

Derek, that doesn't sound like something many people would use. How many people would want to use an email client other than their default one?

Peter, you're right - that feed doesn't have any enclosures. I've let our feed dude know about this problem.


Thanks for your response but my question has not been answered yet. What I do not know is the information that I need to include in that file for having that feature for Blinklist. I wish you will include that feature as you have done for Delicious and Digg.

Mario, I'm not familiar with Blinklist, so I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that. Do you know whether Blinklist permits posting via a URL? If so, just reply to your forum post and let us know the URL, and we'll tell you how to configure FeedDemon to post to it.

Nick, I was able to figure it out and cobble something together for him - I've replied in the forum

Thanks, Critter - much appreciated!

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