There will be a few minor FeedDemon releases before the next major version, but "minor" doesn't necessarily mean "small." In fact, the next minor release will include a few oft-requested features:
- Big improvements in offline reading: The next FeedDemon contains a number of things that make it even better for offline reading, including the ability to download and cache unread items (as described here and here).
- Search tweaks: The subscription search can be limited to a specific date range (screenshot), so you can search for items in subscribed feeds that were posted today, yesterday, this week, etc. And as I mentioned earlier, the address and search boxes are being combined (this small UI change not only conserves space, but it's also pretty useful).
- Dinosaurs report: First seen in NetNewsWire, this feature shows you the feeds that haven't updated in a while - great for pruning your subscriptions of inactive feeds (cropped screenshot).
I'm still in "development mode" (also known as "mad scientist mode"), so expect to see other improvements in addition to these.
It would be great if we could take all the dinosaurs and move them to another channel group so that they're not totally deleted, just moved out of sight.
Posted by: Rich Salz | Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 03:37 PM
I tried reading offline on my laptop and then resynchronizing with my desktop over the holidays, but it didn't actually work all that well. In particular, it seemed as if a lot of posts that I read on my laptop didn't get marked read on my desktop even after synchronizing both (first the laptop, then the desktop). Is there anything I can do to further diagnose those issues? I'm assuming that this stuff should Just Work.
Posted by: Manuzhai | Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 04:37 PM
FeedDemon/NewsGator currently only syncs read states for posts that are still in the source feed. Once a posts falls of the feed, if you mark it as read the state will not be transferred to other clients.
The good news is that we have a change in place to expand this capability to allow for greater sync transparency, it should be available soon, and won't require you to do anything at your end, it will just start syncing more posts.
Posted by: Jonathon McDougall (NewsGator Support) | Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 06:43 PM
All I want to know is where the heck are my pre-release builds! :)
Posted by: Jack Brewster | Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 08:16 PM
The old procedure of using the Mozilla Active X control doesn't seem to work with 2.1. I'd like to see the option of using the Firefox/Mozilla browser back. I assume this has something to do with the pages you've implemented (and I like), but I liked having the option...
Posted by: Shannon | Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 10:49 PM
Wouldn't the advanced search options be nicer/better in a page in the feed view? As with the search results mimicing (is that a word?) web search engines already, the advanced search might as well. Anyway, with the lack of Jacks pre-release builds it is hard to tell if the dedicated dialog is as dingens as I find it :)
Posted by: Björn Graf | Friday, January 05, 2007 at 12:03 AM
Shannon, it was also because the control was no longer being developed (I don't think any new changes had come out for it since 2005 or early 2006 - way too long these days):
from the release notes:
Changed: The ability to embed the Mozilla control has been dropped. Sorry to have to do this, but the Mozilla Control is no longer being developed, and it doesn't support the features added to newspapers in this version.
Posted by: critter42 | Friday, January 05, 2007 at 12:19 AM
Looking forward to the Dinosaur feature, ought to be a requirement on all aggregators!
As always Nick, great work!
Posted by: jcarmichael | Friday, January 05, 2007 at 01:53 AM
Please consider including a way for FeedDemon to update feeds on skipped days (for example Saturday and Sunday) when the computer is off. WOuld be great to be able to have an option to gather all posts back to a certain date and also perhaps to suspend this for "Vacation Mode."
Posted by: Jeffrey | Friday, January 05, 2007 at 09:23 AM
Critter, I toyed with using an HTML page for advanced search, but some things are just better (and faster) with a Windows dialog. The search results, though, are displayed in a Googlish web view.
Posted by: Nick Bradbury | Friday, January 05, 2007 at 01:54 PM
I think you mean Björn and not me :)
Posted by: critter42 | Friday, January 05, 2007 at 02:33 PM
I'm using NewsGator, FeedDemon (on home and work machines) and NewsGator Go! I like the ability to synch to a central source, but I have the following requests/comments.
1. News Bins are local - it would be great if I could synch them.
2. NewsGator Go! - I would like the ability to flag content and possibly e-mail entries to others or store them locally for future reference.
Posted by: Paul Begley | Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 11:22 PM
Is the dinosaur feature really needed? I simply turn on Unread Feed View and the only time the I see these dinosaur feeds is when a thread is actually posted to one of them.
Are not more people using this feature?
Posted by: David M. Kean | Sunday, January 07, 2007 at 12:23 AM
The feature *is* needed, because in Unread Feed View you can not tell whether a feed hasn't been unpdated for a day, a week, a month or since the beginning.
Keeping such feeds (and there can be preety many of them) in the tree slows down everything: refreshing, synchronizing, searching, exiting, subscriptions' newspaper, etc...
Having got 200 feeds or more there is no way to find not updated (in a month's time, or so) ones if you read/skim (and mark as read) all other feeds daily (or weekly).
A great feature pack. I waiting eagerly for a beta cycle...
Posted by: Radek | Sunday, January 07, 2007 at 05:02 AM
Please o please can we get the zoom keys in the browser window?
Posted by: Jeff Odell | Monday, January 08, 2007 at 08:50 PM
Please add the ability to organize feeds into subfolders in addition to the folders we already have. Secondly I really like the tabbed layout in the open source rss reader RSSOwl. It really seems to maximize the real estate on the screen.
Posted by: Chris | Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 11:39 PM
I'd love to be able to close the reading, comment reading and comment writing experience into a single user interface. I've posted on this here >> << appreciate any comments or thoughts
Posted by: Stu Downes | Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 12:15 PM