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Thursday, March 22, 2007


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I used to go out for 7 mile lunchtime runs with my financial director at work. We would end up running through proposed enhancements to the financial reporting systems but it did keep us fit at least.

Nick, how has the running come along since your surgery that was effecting your equilibrium?

Thanks for asking, Randy. Last year the running went badly, and I gave up because it made me too dizzy. This year has been great, though - no problems at all.

Great series! I'm currently writing my thesis, which is also a solitary task, so I'm a different boat, but the same ocean, so to speak.

Anyway, I've also joined a running-club 6 months ago, which made a lot of difference. For non-running minded people, there's also lists of group-hobbies/activities on www.meetup.com, www.upcoming.org, and if you sign up for a www.last.fm account (free), you can access musical events in your area that match your musical tastes.

Hope that helps other "indies" to get a life :)

Thanks for the tips, Vincent. I haven't tried last.fm yet, but I keep hearing good things about it, so I've just signed up.

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