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Monday, March 26, 2007


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There's also a lesson in there in marketing products to previous non-customers. By focussing on the "fun" part, the Wii managed to cash in on a universal quality of 99% of the world's population: Wii all want to have fun!

Also a good book to read on this point: Blue Ocean Strategy


Couldn't agree more, although I would suggest keeping one of the oldest acronyms in mind and that's KISS!

Hi Nick, Sorru to ask here - but i am just wondering how i submit bug reports for the FD beta version ?

Karim, feedback on the beta should be posted in the FeedDemon Beta Forum at http://www.newsgator.com/FORUM/Forum55-1.aspx

The Wii is now outselling the PS3 by 3 to 1 in Japan. This backs up the fact that most people want a fun console and not just the latest (and costly) high-tech models.

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