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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


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Great idea - I'll be incorporating something along these lines in the next version of Sandvox ( http://www.sandvox.com/ )

Hi Nick - we have actually found the same thing - so we do a small trick.

We resolve the Feed URL and get the feed name from the target feed rather than the Title attribute. It is always a better result.

Hope this helps!



Thanks for the tip, Chris! In this particular case that probably wouldn't be practical (too much traffic), but for other auto-discovery situations that would work well.

This is something we all should do.

A note on your PS: (stop offering the same content in multiple feed formats)

My Take:
I will continue to offer rss and atom feeds. You say it makes it hard for software to present the feeds without duplication. How hard is is for a programmer to compare the feeds on a page and realise they are the same? It's very, very simple. It's just laziness on behalf of the programmers not to write one more bit of code. Write a function that compares the contents. Is that really that hard? Then you don't have to get all worked up and go on a rant.

People have preferences, they always will, just look at how many trackback-type service links are on blogs these days!! Do you digg?

PS: I think the second item ( CNN - Top Stories [CNN] ) is the format to use for the links. Just by putting [rss] or [atom] in brackets after the feed title also makes it easier to select from the feeds in a browser based on compatability.

that should have read.. CNN - Top Stories [RSS] not CNN - Top Stories [CNN]

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