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Wednesday, May 30, 2007


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And now Google Gears...

Tried this yesterday on the ferry. Worked great. I couldn't get Gears to install on my Vista box ... so this is better for me.

I'm thinking that although I liked GR for a while, the new FD2.5 has improved skimmability (which is my big thing).

This looks really promising, unfortunately its currently taking 100% CPU. if I restart it then it skips through the feeds its already got offline and then downloads a few % points more before going 100% CPU again

Steve, FeedDemon's prefetch can be fairly resource intensive since it's downloading so many item, but it shouldn't peg the CPU that much (in my case, the highest it reached was 47%).

If this happens consistently, there are a couple of things you might want to try:

1. In FeedDemon's options, click the "Connection" button, then reduce the max connections allowed.

2. Also in FeedDemon's options, click the "Prefetch" button, then reduce the number of links to download per item.

Both of these will reduce the amount of information being retrieved. If neither of those help, could I ask you to post in the FeedDemon Support Forum at http://www.newsgator.com/FORUM/Forum14-1.aspx ?

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