Online video has been taking off like crazy, but previous versions of FeedDemon have been stuck in the past because they prevented embedded videos from displaying in your subscriptions. Luckily, FeedDemon 2.5 corrects this. Now you can subscribe to video-enabled feeds and have their videos securely displayed within FeedDemon's newspaper view.
Which means that if you're viewing this in a FeedDemon 2.5 newspaper, you get to watch this completely irrelevant video of a guy failing to jump his car across the St. Lawrence river.
Hi Nick, I am one your long-time customers and fan of your products. Congratulations on Feed Demon 2.5!
I look forward to your next new innovative product.
Posted by: Les Campbell | Tuesday, June 05, 2007 at 11:20 PM
Thanks, Les!
Posted by: Nick Bradbury | Wednesday, June 06, 2007 at 06:21 AM