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Friday, September 21, 2007


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Enjoy it while you can. Not being able to buy toys now that my kids are grown is the thing I miss most, including art supplies at Staples. Now I have to wait for grandkids to spoil.

I can so relate :) .. I have awindowsill full of little stuff animals, statues and miscellaneous toys. Mind you most of them are ones that my wife has bought for me ....

How have the recent toy recalls and spate of reports on the dangers of toys made in China impacted your toy buying habits?

Dang... I hope Hannah did better with her ONE choice than you did x 2. LOL

@alan: she actually chose a stuffed toy that looks a lot like the one I bought.

@lux: luckily, my family hasn't really been affected by the recall of toys made in China.

Nick, the red one on the left is upside down . . . it is a plant holder. Does Calvin get to go to his toy store? Can't wait to see what he gets.

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