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Tuesday, September 04, 2007


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Absolutely hilarious. So true - thanks!

OK, now its time to do a follow up post about why you have an unused old guitar! Make some music in your copious amounts of spare time ;)

Pretty much all dogs are evil to me, especially small ones. My family had a puppy last year and the damage it caused to our property, costs of supplies, and then the subsequent medical expenses it cost us from my wife's allergies to pets (which we discovered once we got it of course) was over $2,000.00. Yeah, I love dogs, too.

Nick, great comments. It's good to hear the stories that bring real personality behind the technology worship we tend to deliver.

Sometimes, we can get both. In February, my dog ate the blogosphere: http://www.louisgray.com/live/2007/02/my-dog-ate-blogosphere.html

I have a friend with a similar dog. Turns out the pooch needed some happy meds from the vet, and now he's all peace and love and reasonable behavior. Ritalin for dogs, whodathunkit?

My friend insists we should spray the stuff in aerial form on the middle east.

Oh Daddy, I never knew you felt that way! I'm sorry if only I knew how you felt! You can talk to me you know?

I'll change, I'll be good, from now on, promise...


Calvin, how many times have I told you not to comment on my blog?! It gets my keyboard all furry, and besides, you rarely have anything to say other than "want food" and "gotta pee." Bad dog!

Louis CK fan? If not, check him out on youtube:


Don't you get it, while one dog investigates, the other was trying to wake you up, to check out the sound. The fact that planting the furry smelly end over your face was its choosen technique is pretty funny though.

I love when people right and say what they really think. Won't be long and PETA will be all over you and you may get some face time on one of their retarded billboards right next to Calvin. Hahahahahaha

Calvin - you need a Dogster page so you can blog about what an asshole Nick is.

Whew. I'm glad you finally said this out loud, Nickster. As someone who has frequented Nick's home and known Calvin most of his life, had my feet licked incessantly and seen his private parts (Calvin's not Nick's) I must agree... the little guy IS an asshole (Calvin not Nick). But I too love him. From a distance. :)

My dogs are like furry toddlers. They are extremely high maintenance. They have ruined my yard... there is shit everywhere no matter what I do... I don't know what to do... I love them. I love that they spend time with me late at night when I am cleaning or studying. But my god, my yard looks awful. My poor "Jones" neighbors who are working so hard to perfect the greeness of their grass but nothing detracts from the absolute crappiness of our giant back yard.

I'm thinking like - gravel everywhere cuz at least the shit is easier to pick up. Ummm some tall trees so my neighbors don't have to look at my yard... I'm not sure who I feel worst for my poor bored dogs, my kids who can't play my yard, or my neighbors who just redid their deck only to have to look at my yard. No matter what I do... it doesn't get better.

That is absolutely hilarious, and right on the money. My dogs do the same thing when it comes to sitting on my face but they usually does it when there is a thunderstorm. Thanks for posting it.

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