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Monday, November 12, 2007


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Awesome Nick! I can't wait till the final release! I'm obviously a big FeedDemon fan and pusher. Nothing compares!

My quick review:
* FD newspaper feel faster, much faster. Great!
* Nice prefetch options, but: Can you add the option to set the "prefetch images" and "prefetch Link" to all feeds at once? (I only want to prefetch images, but don't want to set it in all the feeds, too lazy :)
* The upgrade reset all the customization in the toolbar. Not too bad, but annoying.
* Update all feeds still show the (modal) newsgator window and hangs the app for a second. Not too bad, but annoying.
* New feed and pages interface: great!
* Everything else : great!

Glad to hear you guys like the new release!

Edddy, to change prefetch settings for all feeds at once, go to the Feeds tab in the prefetch options dialog, then click on "All Subscriptions" and press the Options button. This will change the settings for all feeds in your subscriptions.

Eddy worte:

* The upgrade reset all the customization in the toolbar. Not too bad, but annoying.

It the same when I installed the new FD on my laptop at home. But it didn't when I installed it here at work, where I install it as administrator (sshhhh don't tell my colleagues), but use it as a user with limited rights on Windows XP.

"worte" has to be "wrote" of course ;-)

Nick: Excellent!

After a week of testing, it seams that the automatic prefetch after updating is not working. I hear the "ding", but the prefetched items are not there.
If I manually prefetch it works.

Downloading RC2 now (I will let you know if it is fixed)

Eddy, can I ask you to post that in our support forums, along with any other details of the problem?



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