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Monday, January 14, 2008


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Nah, everyone'll just think you're a reporter :)

Ouch...that hurts, critter ;)

Careful....If they detect you haven't drank all the Kool-Aid, I imagine a scene out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers occuring...

Though I am still asking OSX fans to show me the killer OSX app of something I can only do on OSX that isn't some specialized function (IE video editing)...so maybe you will write that :)

It just seems to me a fancy way to do less, but at least make it look good...

I want to believe :)

... but AmigaDOS 5 will kick so much ass!

I hope you're not disappointed. I thought the public iPhone SDK release was sometime in February. Unless you mean to get early access, which is cool.

I got my wife a MacBook for Christmas and I've had a blast setting the thing up and playing around on it. I just installed NetNewsWire last night and was definitely impressed. I could see myself with one before the year is out.

Can Delphi code run on a Mac? Excuse my ignorance if that is a silly question.

Don't forget to take some pictures and post them here! :)

Nick- you have been busy! Remember me? Kari? Did you know I worked for Apple for a year! Get in touch! Of course I could spend hours on the virtues of OSX and such. . .

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