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Monday, January 28, 2008


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Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Looking forward to seeing Rush in the Philly area this summer, too! Rockin' out to YYZ on Guitar Hero! Thank goodness we don't have a "no video games rule" during our week, here!

Enjoy Rush at Red Rocks, that's gotta be an AWESOME show!

I finally played Rock Band a week ago. I've never touched Guitar Hero, but I gotta say that RB would get my money before GH any day because of the variety of instruments.

Of course, I don't have a console myself since Connor is still a little too young to get his game on - yet. ;)

I really wish they'd hurry up and release Rock Band in Australia :(

We have a similar rule 'No video games on a school night.'

@Jack: Haven't you learned yet? One of the cool things about having kids is that you can buy toys for yourself, but still pretend they're for the kids.

You don't have to wait until Connor is older - you simply pick up an Xbox360 along with a couple "educational titles" suitable for him. Then you buy Rock Band and any other games you want for yourself :)

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