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Wednesday, February 20, 2008


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I must say, that never grew on me. For most Flickr images the thumbnails are just too small, and sometimes the images lose their appeal due to the crop. My solution is to patch the MediaRSS support out of Surfer, and use Outland for my Flickr and Zooomr subscriptions.

PS: I wish I could specify the "Full Posts/Excerpts" option on a feed by feed basis! I reckon excerpts are worthless for Flickr feeds, as some photos have a description, and get collapsed (mini photo), while those without an description are shown expanded.

My 2ct.

So beautiful the style: Surfer, especially with flickr.

This is a great feature that I wish went a step further. It'd be great if you could customize feeds you've already added to tell FeedDemon "This feed is stuff from Flickr." Keep up the great work, Nick.

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