Last year I tried out Twitter while attending SXSW, but I stopped using it when the conference was over. Twitter was fun at SXSW, but it seemed kind of pointless afterwards. It was too much useless information for me to handle.
A few weeks ago I decided to try Twitter again, and this time I changed how I used it. At SXSW I followed too many prolific "A-listers," but this time around I've chosen to follow friends, co-workers, developers, and a random assortment of people I've met (online or otherwise). And you know what? I'm actually liking Twitter now. I don't know why, but I find it strangely fun to hear what the people I'm following are up to, without the pressure of having to reply to them all.
If you'd like to follow me, here's a link to my Twitter profile page. As you'll discover, I rarely use Twitter for "serious" comments - most of my tweets are senseless remarks about the stuff going on around me. But if you're a fan of senseless remarks, feel free to listen in :)
twitter is a scan of someone's thought process... i'll see what comes out of those senseless tweets... sometimes an apparent senseless tweet can spark a 'idea storm'
Posted by: John Furrier | Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 02:43 PM
This mirrors my own experience. At first I couldn't see the point -- who'd want to know what I'm doing? Now though, it's a blast.
Posted by: Graeme Dunlop | Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 04:53 PM
Nick: I do find value in the senseless remarks. They can tell you a lot a about a person. I'll follow you.
Posted by: Lionel Menchaca | Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 11:19 PM