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Thursday, May 22, 2008


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That's fantastic! Not now, but as a direction for things to be going. I was thinking there other day when you were asking for feedback (I ended up not giving any as I think I'm probably over the power-user line a little) how, for instance, the news feeds I get (from the BBC and The Guardian) give me a load of sports stuff I'm not interested in, but that any solution would require a load of per-site tedious training/rating that just wasn't worth it, now I see APML is way ahead of me! There is the occasional sports story that amuses me in some way, and it would be a shame to lose those, but I can't see how it could get that sophisticated without scanning my brain, I think it will be well worth the sacrifice however.

Nick this is fantastic news - well done to the Newsgator team!

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