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Saturday, June 07, 2008


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FeedDemon i's a great program... and on top that it's free!

I am still in awe that this program is free. Thanks for the post.

I am new to this whole RSSfeed thing. So when I tried to download one. Window's sent me a Msg, stating they do not support this file, try and search Win's for one. So I did. Window's said they do not have one to fix my problem. Then they said try searching Win's Live. I did and they sent me to you. I downloaded your, FeedDemon 2.7, no problem.

Then I saw your comment to download, the FeedDemon Techmeme UpDate for 2.7. So I tried and when I clicked on "Click Here" as instructed, I received the following Message:

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

A semi colon character was expected. Error processing resource 'http://nick.typepad.com/downloads/Techmeme.fdsrch2'. Line ...


My problem is I do not understand where to insert the semi colon. So I Still have not been able to download the Techmeme UpDate.

Can someone who is not as computer illiterate as me, HELP ME!!

Thank you.


@Bob - you shouldn't have to do anything special to install the Techmeme search update. Just make sure you click the link *from within FeedDemon* because it won't work in your browser (you'll get the error message you describe if you try).

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