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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


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"but it’s slowly getting better, don’t you think?" - it certainly is, and the new beta is another very useful step forwards - Thanks!



I have been using Feeddemon since before Newsgator. Yes I paid for it. 8>). I am not a developer, not an expert on computers or software, but I am more knowledgeable than your average user.

Feeddemon has gotten more useful with each release. Each time you update Feeddemon, I keep figuring out new ways to read my feeds. I never wince when a new version comes out unlike many other applicatios I use. Thanks for working so hard to keeping it simple. It is appreciated.

Feedemon is a software that I use on daily basis.
Tried online applications, including Google, and still prefer FeedDemon.
Simple to install, easy to use, pleasant interface, not a resource hog...
well maybe I am going overboard, but I just like.
Thank you for an excellent application.
I paid for license, and it was worth every single penny..

Thanks, guys - I appreciate the kind words about FeedDemon.

FeedDemon will be the best navigator in near future, I believe and like it. Thanks.

FeedDemon is pretty good, however, my only gripe is that it's for PC only (unless you run Parallels or have a Windows boot for the Mac). :/ I work on a Mac at work, and unfortunately, most of the time I read feeds is when I'm at work rather than at home on my PC. NetNewsWire is not bad, but it's not as good as FeedDemon in my opinion.

I've been using Feeddemon for while and I really rate it, Feeddemon has gotten more useful with each it s very good.

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