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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


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I would, if only I could. For some reason I constantly get timeouts from svanas.dynip.com (which the domain seems to redirect to?). I've been trying to get on to that site since you made the announcement, no chance.

Don't know if I'm the only one with that problem, but he could be losing out on a lot of customers from the UK if everyone with the same provider (BT) has the same problem.

@armin - that's interesting. I can get to it from the US.

Dynamic IP? Newsgroup? Virginia: are you sure we are in 2008?

Interestingly enough I can access the newsgroup, but still no luck with the website. At least from here in the UK, during a recent visit to Germany I could access the site from the exact same laptop without any problems.

Apparently, port 8080 is to blame. I assume it is closed at your end.

Anyway, I'm not using that port anymore. Can you please try again?

Thanks, Stefan.

All resolved now, I can access the site.

Thank God! I was just thinking ... has Nick abandoned those of us who remember when Topstyle was an integral part of Homesite 5?

Thanks. I'm anxious to give the new stuff a test.

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