Amit Agarwal has the scoop: I’ve been experimenting with making FeedDemon sync with Google Reader. It’s something we get a lot of requests for, so we decided to see what it would entail to add Google Reader synching to both FeedDemon and NetNewsWire.
I should make it clear that it’s not 100% definite that this feature will see the light of day – it’s still in the experimental stage. I sort of have an unwritten policy of not promising a feature until I’ve already coded it, and there’s a lot of coding left to do here :)
But assuming that Google Reading synching is added, I’m curious to know what specifically you would like to see. Beyond the basics of synching (i.e.: ensuring that changes you make in Google Reader are reflected in FeedDemon, and vice versa), what could I do to make the integration more useful?
One thing I’ve added already is sharing – just click FeedDemon’s “Share” icon to add an article to your Google Reader “Shared Items” page. But I’m guessing there are some other features in Google Reader that I’m not aware of which could be really nice to take advantage of.