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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


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Love your work Nick...


First let me say I am looking froward to the new release! Keep up the good work. I am pumped about the possibility of Google Reader Sync - this would certainly make life easier when using multiple platforms and I cannot use Feed Demon.

One question, were you able to reproduce and fix the Buffer Overflow in 2.7 outlined here: http://security.bkis.vn/?p=329 ?

Being a Sec Guy - have to ask! Keep up the good work!

I really like the new, cleaner interface. And it does seem to be faster (especially adding new feeds). It would have been a great improvement except...

Eliminating the low bandwidth option is a killer for me (and others, I would imagine). I had returned to FeedDemon with the 2.8 beta release because it was finally doing the job for me better than other options. Now the "upgrade" sends me back on the hunt.

It would have been nice if there had been an actual 2.8 (non-beta) release so I could stick with that one.


Thanks for updating the beta.

Is there any chance you could find out what changed to make RoboForm toolbar no longer work in FD? It hasn't worked for me since the last beta, but always worked before that.

@Geoff Smith Good news, low bandwidth looks like it's coming back in the next beta


I'll be on the edge of my seat until it comes out. Are we talking about something like 3.0 beta 1b (i.e. a few days to a week) or 3.1 beta (several months)?

The most recent beta has a bug which makes it unflag read items every time i do wait a few minutes and open it...
I alway click on mark all read, close it and it shows me things from 2008 as unread.

@Peter: this is fixed in Beta 1b, which is now available from the same URL.

Nice job on the beta. Low bandwidth mode is back =) and the duplicate article problem seems to be fixed.

@Tim: I was never able to reproduce the overflow, even with an enormous OPML file. The only thing I could come up with was that it was due to a flaw in an older version of MSXML ( http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms06-061.mspx ).

Love the look of 3. I don't even mind the ads, which is strange because I'm the kind of guy that generally hate them, but they are small, text and really unobtrusive, if they get bills paid you get my support.

The thing I'm most excited about are "Filters". Can't remember I read anything in your blogs about them, but then again maybe I skipped few posts. Custom filters are absolutely essential for us that have to actually dig through rss articles, not just skim across looking for interesting gossip, news or twitter...

If this is some kind of future replacement for semi-functional watches, I simply can't wait for it to be fully implemented and final 3.0 :)

Thanks again for amazing work.

Is there any chance that we will see Snarl (http://www.fullphat.net/) support within the upcoming 3.0? Loving to have Growl on NetNewsWire on my Mac I would love to have the similar here on my Windows (dreaming of single notifications per new news up to a definable maximum where a summarized alert stating "and xx more news).

@Sven: I hadn't heard of Snarl before you mentioned it, but I just downloaded it and it looks very nice. Is this something that a lot of people use?

@Nick it's a fast growing community in the moment - since the release of the 2.0 series (now 2.1) there have been much new applications started supporting Snarl notifications (much more then 50% of the supported applications list where added within the last six months).

Some of the extensions (like those for all the Mozilla apps or Pidgin) are from me so I would be glaf to offer some knowledge if you want :)

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