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Friday, March 13, 2009


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Nick, thanks for the update. Your site is full of great info. By the way... my very first app for building websites back in the day was Homesite :) It came packaged with some book I bought on how to program HTML... back in the day.

I sincerely hope that the new version will support access to network files properly. As it is, the program chokes whenever a key is pressed. This probably has something to do with all the automatic previews, but even with them turned off the program still frequently becomes unresponsive.

Great update, but I think it lacks an option (3.5 version as well) for color coding the regular text. In HomeSite I used to set regular text to "bold" so it nicely stood out from other tags. Here we have just Default which bolds everything...

Nick, thanks for the update. Your site is full of great info. By the way... my very first app for building websites back in the day was Homesite :) It came packaged with some book I bought on how to program HTML... back in the day.

That's great news! I am eagerly awaiting version 4.0. Even with the newest version of DreamWeaver I still go back to Topstyle 3.5 to do my css.

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