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Friday, May 29, 2009


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Hello Nick!

It is nice to hear that there is new version of TopStyle. I use 3.5 and I want to upgrade it to 4.0, but... when I enter www.topstyle4.com it redirects me to http://svanas.dynip.com/topstyle/
I am not sure if dynip.com gives me enough security to give my credit cards data. AFAIR dynip helps to hide real IP of website owner.

Just write a word, that buying topstyle there is safe, and I will do it. Otherwise - I will not risk my credit card info.

ps. I know that buying procedure is via usd.swreg.org, but still that dynip.com gives me some wrong feelings about that.

TopStyle 4.0 is fabulous. Thanks so much for finding the PERFECT developer to adopt your baby.

Great to hear you say that, Stanley! As you can imagine, I really worried about handing over TopStyle to someone else, so I was relieved to find someone of Stefan's caliber to take it over. He's done an outstanding job, IMO.

Fantastic work from Stefan, fine design and cool-modern interface, fine icons. I hoped that TopStyle would be the new "HomeSite 6" and I think he made it. Next version; TopStyle 5, "Database inspector".

Nick --

Unicode support -- do you know if he update it with Delphi 2009?


@NickHodges: I believe Stefan added the Unicode support prior to the release of Delphi 2009.

so this one can be used with iphone? I just got the new phone a few days. I think i will give it a try, is there a money back guarantee?

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