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Wednesday, January 05, 2011


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Nick, I have been a off and on feeddemon fan from the old allaire homesite days of 1998s when rss was just kicking with radio userland thing period.

What I want as a feature on the next release if feeddemon would be a way to visualize the watches,some timeline capablitites and a way to persist my watches as sets so that they can be archived.These may be features a layman may not use
by may be usefull for rss data intelligence.This
could extend feeddemon a bit too.

I hope I am not asking too.

Regards your fan

I switched from Fever (http://feedafever.com) to FD recently. Thanks for making it awesome.

If FD ever spawns a plugin/extension/UI mod community, I would be elated. I'm absolutely not a code person, but would greatly appreciate more newspaper styles to choose from. Or incorporation of other browsers into FD, or FD into other browsers.

You mention using FD as your main browser and I think that's worth considering, but without my chrome extensions I feel naked. I'll try it out anyway.

As a random last thought, my ideal top-level newspaper would show Newsmap style (http://newsmap.jp) treemaps, based on folders instead of genres like 'national' or 'health'. Maybe with some of Fever's temperature algorithm idea sprinkled in. Honestly, I've been online my whole life and I've always wanted this. Only in recent years have some of the pieces coagulated (with thanks to you, Fever, Newsmap devs, et al.)

Also, RSS will never die -- anyone on mainstream info-stream services who regularly sees cool things has someone with an RSS reader to thank.

In the Opera browser, the feed preview page allows you to sign up to several web based feed readers, and that works well enough for me to get new feeds into FeedDemon using the Google Reader route.

But it would be nice if there was a good way to designate an app as the standard feed reader on a system.

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