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Tuesday, September 06, 2011


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You are right. Conversations have context and what I am comfortable telling my family, work colleagues or doctor may not mean I am happy telling the whole world the same thing. And just because I am using the internet as the communication medium doesn't change that, or else email would need no password.

Great post Nick. I agree with you fully.

What do you think of the argument that we pay with our privacy for using otherwise free services like Gmail, Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, etc.?

@Dave Nice to see a fellow Tennessean here! It's true that we pay for some free services with our privacy, but I think more often we're actually paying with our attention data (search this blog for "attention" and you'll find several posts on the subject).

Are You going to develop further versions of FeedDemon? Or is v4 the last version?

I agree. In every project development, privacy is very essential and a priority to protect the team of developers and the project as well.

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