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Tuesday, November 01, 2011


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Nick is there anyway you could look at ReaditLater or similar for sharing?

Will the starred feed go away too? I've been using it with pinboard.in and some scripts, and while starring remains in the new interface I dont know what it means.

Regardless, I guess its another undocumented API..

Nick, can you add support for Google Blogger in Blog This?

@Rahul Starred items won't go away, but I don't know about the starred item feed - that's a question you'll need to ask the Google Reader folks.

Does this episode cause you to re-think using a 3rd party's cloud apps? I have had 2 or 3 instances where something from Google that I used has broken or been changed, causing me problems, and it is all out of my hands. There isn't any customer support to speak of.

I'm with you. Google fucked up pretty bad.
Here are 3 screenshots of new stuff I'm forced to live with and that piss me off:
More over here : http://kirbybits.wordpress.com/2011/10/21/wherein-i-try-to-explain-why-google-reader-is-the-best-social-network-created-so-far/
And I'm not even mentioning lost features...

Anyhow I'm moving back to FeedDemon!
Since new google reader update, I've been testing some feed reader (again), and FeedDemon is still at the top of my list.

I think you should just drop google reader and rely on your own stuff. Right now one can share a link via facebook, twitter, e-mail, delicious (please include pinboard). I think it's great as it is, without the google features. Keeping sync would be nice, but that could be a pro option, considering the costs you would have. That would be a great incentive to buy pro and you wouldn't need to deal with the whims of the google guys.

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