Monday will be my first day working at Automattic.
In the past I've worked on consumer software and enterprise software, but this will be my first time working on open source software. It'll also be the first time I've joined a company without my existing software coming with me. FeedDemon is going away soon, and I no longer work on either Glassboard or Social Sites. I'm starting fresh with Automattic, which is a very welcome change.
When I talked with Matt Mullenweg about Automattic, he mentioned being proud of the company he helped build. At the time I didn't know too much about the company, but the more I looked into Automattic the more I realized why it's something to be proud of - and why I wanted to work there.
They treat their employees the same way I try to treat the end users of my software. As a developer, I've tried to provide a great experience to those who use my software. As a company, Automattic tries to provide a great experience to those who work there. People stick with you when you provide a great experience.
They also, of course, make great software. I'm looking forward to a chance at helping them continue to do that.
PS: Yes, I recognize the irony of a TypePad blog post announcing that I'm joining the WordPress people :) I've been wanting to move to a different CMS for quite a while - this gives me even more incentive to finally do so.